Dating A Girl: Expectation Vs Reality

By Qunki Team | relationship and lovelife

Each and every guy in this world has countless number of expectations in his mind we want to get rich as fast as possible, live in huge mansions, own luxurious cars and on top of that date the sexiest and cutest girl. However, reality is quite different than expectations.

However, looks can be deceiving at times, so dont just date a girl based on her looks alone. Reality is far more different than you can imagine. Here, the article shows some of the top things you need to be aware of while dating a girl.

1 Trying to make a bubble gum.

Article Continues after the joke

Random Joke

We went to see a movie the other night.

We went to see a movie the other night.

I sat in an aisle seat as I usually do because it feels a little roomier.

Just as the feature was about to start, a blonde from the center of the row got up and started working her way out.

“Excuse me, sorry, oops, excuse me, pardon me, gotta hurry, oops, excuse me.”

By the time she got to me, I was trying to look around her and I was a little impatient, so I said, “Couldn’t you have done this a little earlier?”

“No!” she said in a loud whisper. “The ‘TURN OFF YOUR CELL PHONE PLEASE’ message just flashed up on the screen and mine is in the car.”

2 Only works in movies

Reality is different than movies.

3 Playing video games

Most girls nowadays arent interested in playing video games. That being said, some girls do play video games and are surprisingly quite good as well.

4 Trying to wear nail polish

Ask your girlfriend next time about nail polishes and you will understand what it feels like!

5 Wearing sunglasses

You have to admit that girls always look cute when they wear sunglasses.

6 When drunk

Well, you cant expect everyone to be Angelina Jolie.

7 When girls have sleepovers

Yeah, girls can be nerds too at times.

8 Long hair

One expects dating a girl with long hair is probably the best experience ever, but the reality is quite different.

9 When she is laughing

And this is the main reason why you shouldnt just date a girl based on her smile on Facebook!

10 Sleeping

Its difficult to accept this harsh reality but there is no other option.

This article continues on next page

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